Fish rain - Med4InfosNet

Fish rain

Fish rain
Fish rain
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Fish rain Fishing game is a full-fledged fishing simulator and makes it possible to fish in real existing places from life and catch the fish that lives there.

Categories and tags of the game : Arcade, Casual, Fishing, Sports, Timekiller

Fish rain - How to Play

Over 200 types of fish. Catch different types of fish, try your luck fishing for pike, catfish, or hunt for a bigger catch – carps, sharks, beluga, kaluga. You can catch a variety of fishing spots in South America, in Russia on Lake Baikal and even in Ukraine on the Pripyat River and other locations. A very large selection of bait or bait from a worm to a cucumber and even leeches. Changing the time of day: morning, afternoon, evening and night with a variety of game sounds and even flying bugs.